Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review <p><strong>Orients Social Research Consultancy (OSRC) Securities Exchange Commission of Pakistan (N0.ARL/INC4757)</strong> is an educational set up to manage the educational and research activities with modern scientific devices for the welfare and to educate the nation with these objectives</p> <ul> <li>To improve the quality of education and research activities</li> <li>To provide the chance to avail modern method of teaching and learning to students, teachers and researchers.</li> <li>To held conferences, lectures, discussions to raise research activities</li> </ul> <p>Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review (PLHR) publishes original and quality research in all disciplines of social sciences. PLHR is a <strong>Triple-blind peer-reviewed</strong> <strong>open access</strong> multidisciplinary research journal that publishes <strong>Quarterly</strong>. This academic research journal addresses both applied and theoretical issues in social sciences in English language. Likely subscribers are universities, research institutions, governmental, non-governmental agencies and individual researchers.</p> Orients Social Research Consultancy (OSRC) en-US Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review 2708-6453 <p><img src="" alt="" width="500" height="200" /></p> <p><strong>ORIENTS SOCIAL RESEARCH CONSULTANCY (OSRC)</strong> &amp; <strong>PAKISTAN LANGUAGES AND HUMANITIES REVIEW (PLHR)</strong> adheres to <strong>Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License</strong>. The authors submitting and publishing in <strong>PLHR</strong> agree to the <strong>copyright policy</strong> under <strong>creative common license 4.0 (Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International license)</strong>. Under this license, the authors published in <strong>PLHR</strong> retain the copyright including publishing rights of their scholarly work and agree to let others remix, tweak, and build upon their work non-commercially. All other authors using the content of <strong>PLHR</strong> are required to cite author(s) and publisher in their work. Therefore, <strong>ORIENTS SOCIAL RESEARCH CONSULTANCY (OSRC)</strong> &amp; <strong>PAKISTAN LANGUAGES AND HUMANITIES REVIEW (PLHR)</strong> follow an <strong>Open Access</strong> Policy for copyright and licensing.</p> <p><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License" /></p> <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Signatory of DORA" /></a></p> Silenced Narratives, Enduring Wounds: A Feminist Examination of Trauma and Power in Anuradha Roy's Sleeping on Jupiter <p>This research paper examines the portrayal of women’s trauma and its frequent misinterpretation within the androcentric society, as depicted in Anuradha Roy’s novel, Sleeping on Jupiter. Through a feminist analysis of the novel, the study analyzes how societal norms not only shape the experience of trauma but also its recognition and authentication. The research is qualitative in nature and explores the concept of “insidious trauma,” and “secret trauma,” faced by the protagonist in the given novel which is often ignored due to the biased nature of the social and cultural norms. The research follows Cathy Caruth's concept of trauma as a methodological framework. The research concludes that the seemingly ordinary experiences, silenced narratives, and gender disparities significantly contribute to the inadequate representation of women’s trauma. This novel el can further be explored from the perspective of intersectionality to examine how race and d gender identity impact the experiences of abuse survivors.</p> Asma Rahim Abdul Hamid Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 8 4 01 11 10.47205/plhr.2024(8-IV)01 Reconnoitering Khwaja Amir Khusrau’s Ambilingual Translingualism in his qawwali قوالی: Zihal-e- miskeen makun taghaful duraey naina banaey battiyyan زی حالِ مسکیں مکن تغافل درائے نیناں بنائیں بتیاں <p>This paper investigates the ambilingual &amp; translingual stance by Khusrau’s (1253-1325) in his qawwali. Aitmatov, (1984) describes translingualism as writing in more than one language. Khusrau’s translingualism is analyzed from the vantage point of ‘yoking’ i.e., using two languages in one verse. This framework is used in Sufi literature, through Yoko’s (2003)’s ‘exophony’ and Aitmatov’s (1984), yoking. These involve using the Persian language in the first verse while Braj Bhasha in the second. Coding by Braune &amp; Clarke (2006: 20-25) is used as a method to investigate tarnslingualism. Research on translingualism is mostly for Western languages. This paper contributes to Eastern translingualism, with Sufi transposition. The thematic analysis has shown the that thematic structures are universal for Western and Eastern languages. It will bring Western and Eastern corridors together for poets and writers from Eastern cultures who can use the findings to work on linguistic considerations of languages by producing trans-lingual texts. The future researchers are recommended to work on similar patterns on their own regional languages and discover similarities and differences in translingual patterns.</p> Priya Anwar Nadia Anwar Copyright (c) 2024 Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review 2024-10-11 2024-10-11 8 4 12 21 10.47205/plhr.2024(8-IV)02 The Social and Psychological Impact of Migration upon Individual Life as Portrayed by Mohsin Hamid in His Novel Exit West <p>The objective of this research paper is to examine various social and psychological aspects of migration in Mohsin Hamid’s Exit West. Utilizing qualitative research methods, such as thematic and narrative analysis, the study highlights the ways in which Hamid’s work supersedes xenophobic stereotypes and evokes empathy instead. This paper tries to achieve the goals to explain the paradox of racism and multiculturalism in Exit West so that the stereotypical image of migrants may be limited; understand the loss and the attachment and detachment to new identities in the context of displacement; and to analyse the relation between multiculturalism and geo-cultural integration through molecular exchanges in cultures that have no desire to become assimilated into the hegemonic culture. It follows that Hamid does not narrowly portray migration, rather embraces multiple dimensions of it: emotional experiences accrued as part of the physical movement, with the aid of magic realism enhancing the emotional progress of the migration experience of each character.</p> Badshah Hussain Abdul Hamid Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review 2024-10-12 2024-10-12 8 4 22 35 10.47205/plhr.2024(8-IV)03 Lexical Analysis of Promotional Narratives on Social Media: Constructing Tourism Image of Pakistan <p>This paper analyzes the language in the promotion of Pakistani tourism on social media through lexical analysis. Through the repetition of words, phrases, and hashtags, the study deepens how language is being used to bring about a positive image of Pakistan relating to nature, adventure, culture, and heritage. Grounding is on the Uses and Gratification Theory (UGT) explaining how users seek and engage with tourism content to fulfill their informational needs and curiosities. The research utilizes keyword frequency analysis combined with qualitative lexical analysis to unravel words and associations defining Pakistan's scenic beauty, its cultural diversity, and opportunities in adventure. Results are evident, showing that hashtags and keywords play a very critical role in increasing visibility and user engagement, hence becoming an important lexical tool for usage. Trends of language in tourism marketing should be updated and followed constantly using strategic hashtags and keywords to increase interaction and enhance the digital image of Pakistan as a travel destination.</p> Muhammad Manshoor Hussain Abbasi Saira Ali Hassnain Dur e Shahwar Copyright (c) 2024 Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review 2024-10-14 2024-10-14 8 4 36 47 10.47205/plhr.2024(8-IV)04 The Superhuman’s Transition to a Killing Monster: A Philosophical Approach to Frankenstein <p>This research paper explores the creature's nature in Frankenstein as transitioning from a superhuman to a killing monster. Through an exploration of human nature in the novel, the study analyzes how society plays a crucial role in forming one’s personality and how an individual changes owing to others' attitudes. The research is qualitative and offers a new way to analyze the unexplored reason behind the monster’s cruel nature. The research follows John Locke’s concept of Tabula Rasa as a methodological framework. The research concludes that the monster is superhuman but revengeful because of his master and the physical appearance of the creature misleads the characters and makes them treat him harshly which transitions him into a killing monster. The novel can further be explored from the perspective of eco-gothic to examine how disturbing natural order turns into horror and anxiety. It will challenge anthropocentric views and inspire ecological responsibility.</p> Nouman Yousaf Zhang Qiang Copyright (c) 2024 Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review 2024-10-14 2024-10-14 8 4 48 54 10.47205/plhr.2024(8-IV)05 A Psychoanalytic Reading of Eustacia Vye: Exploring the Philosophy of Hardy’s Tragic Heroine <p>This research examines Eustacia Vye, the tragic protagonist from Thomas Hardy’s The Return of the Native (1878), through a psychoanalytic perspective, drawing on Sigmund Freud’s principles of the id, ego, and superego. Eustacia’s character embodies the profound internal conflicts that emerge when an individual’s desires, reality, and moral consciousness collide. The analysis examines Eustacia’s powerful id-led impulses – her longing for escape, passion, and satisfaction – which dictate her choices and steer her into challenging circumstances. This research is qualitative in nature and descriptive in design. Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, proposed in his works The Introduction of Psychoanalysis (1917) and The Ego and the Id (1923) is taken as a theoretical framework. The study highlights the complexities of human psyche in Hardy’s work, illustrating how the failure to reconcile desire, reality, and morality can result in devastating consequences.</p> Qasim Ali Kharal Attiqa Mustansar Sumera Tahir Copyright (c) 2024 Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review 2024-10-12 2024-10-12 8 4 55 63 10.47205/plhr.2024(8-IV)06 Marxist Concerns in Anita Desai’s ‘The Village by the Sea’ <p>Marxist critical theory views the superstructure as a reflection of the socio-economic conditions of a society. Literature as a manifestation of the superstructure is a tool either to perpetuate the hegemonic structure or to subvert the repressive ideologies which keep socio-cultural status quo intact. The foundation of the current research comes from the theoretical concepts of Marxist critical theory which primarily deals with the class struggle and resultant oppression of the proletariat at the hands of the bourgeoisie. An attempt has been made as to how and in what ways does the novel A Village by the Sea by Anita Desai reflect the socio-economic conditions and the resultant class war, poverty and exploitation of the working class in the backdrop of the novel. The study describes Marxism in brief and analyses Marxist elements in the selected fiction. Basic tenets of Marxist critical theory form a theoretical framework for this research. The study reveals class war and struggle of the proletariat against the onslaught of capitalistic industrialization.</p> Muhammad Ali Khan Muhammad Imran Nazakat Yaseen Copyright (c) 2024 Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review 2024-10-15 2024-10-15 8 4 64 72 10.47205/plhr.2024(8-IV)07 Hegemony and Resistance in Aysha Baqir's Beyond the Fields: A Gramscian Analysis <p>The research paper examines the themes of cultural hegemony and counter-hegemonic resistance in Aysha Baqir’s Beyond the Fields (2019). Drawing upon Antonio Gramsci’s theoretical concepts of hegemony and counter-hegemony, the study analyzes the text to understand how it positions its characters as agents or victims of cultural hegemony in a patriarchal society. The research is qualitative in nature and explores the complex and multilayered dynamics of hegemony in the novel’s postcolonial Pakistani society. The findings reveal that economy and culture play essential roles in the emotional, sexual, and social subjugation and dehumanization of the proletariat, especially women. However, Gramsci’s counter-hegemonic intellectuals like Zara and Umar give a sense of hope by revealing, challenging and subverting the hegemonic patriarchal structures. This study of hegemony in the recent Anglophone Pakistani novels like Beyond the Fields (2019) offers a foundation for future researchers to explore hegemonic power structures and counter-hegemonic resistance in fiction and society.</p> Tuba Safdar Noor Ul Qamar Qasmi Copyright (c) 2024 Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review 2024-10-17 2024-10-17 8 4 73 83 10.47205/plhr.2024(8-IV)08 The Language Attitudes and Choices of English Language Learners at the University of Sindh A Comparative Study of Sindhi and English <p>The current research study aims to analyse the language attitudes of undergraduate English language learners (ELLs) towards both (Sindhi and English) languages. It aims to investigate the language choices of undergraduate English language learners (ELLs) in different domains of language use. The study uses the quantitative research design, the questionnaire survey was distributed among 150 participants who were selected through purposive sampling. The results show that participants have almost the same attitude towards both (Sindhi and English) languages. Exploring their attitudes towards the Sindhi language. They stated that Sindhi is our mother tongue, it’s our childhood language, and it should be used in all domains of language use, it must be used in all domains of language use, nevertheless, they indicated that Sindhi should be taught side by side with the English language. Moreover, by exploring their attitudes towards the English language in comparison to the Sindhi language, the participants stated that it's important for them to speak English in all the domains. English should be learned everywhere because it’s the official language of the state. Knowledge of English made possible for them to advance academically, its necessary for their success in career. Lastly, they even declared that learning the English language improves their economic status.</p> Iram Sagheer Lubna Khalil Muhammad Ashraf Kaloi Copyright (c) 2024 Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review 2024-10-21 2024-10-21 8 4 84 98 10.47205/plhr.2024(8-IV)09