Demographic Variables as Factors of Conflicts Faced by Teachers During Online Teaching at University Level


  • Asadullah Ph. D Scholar, Institute of Education and Research, Muslim Youth University Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Dr. Sidra Kiran Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Alhamd Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Dr. Uzma Batool Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Alhamd Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan



Conflict Management Strategies, Online Teaching, University Level


Unsolved dispute and long term conflicts create a situation which cannot be handled appropriately. To keep peaceful in every facet of life disputes and conflicts should be resolved at its early stages and specially in higher educational institutions. Keeping in view the background of the study, researcher investigated “Demographic variables as factors of conflicts faced by teachers during online teaching at university level” and the objectives were; to investigate conflict faced by teachers during online teaching with respect to age, and to investigate the conflict faced by teachers during online teaching with respect to gender. Researcher used quantitative approach and Survey technique was used to collect the data. Population of this study was teaching staff of Private universities of Islamabad and random sampling technique was used. Results show that, teachers of the age of 51-65 and 65 & above have faced same conflict. In second objective, female teachers faced Substantive Conflict and male teachers faced Affective Conflict. It is recommended that efforts should be made by relevant authorities to eliminate the reasons of conflicts for quality education.





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How to Cite

Asadullah, Kiran, S., & Batool, U. (2024). Demographic Variables as Factors of Conflicts Faced by Teachers During Online Teaching at University Level. Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review, 8(1), 565–573.