Terrorism in Pakistan: A Critical Analysis


  • Fazal Elahi Bilal Ph. D. Scholar (International Relations), School of Integrated Social Sciences, The University of Lahore, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Rashida Abbas Ph. D. Scholar (International Relations), School of Integrated Social Sciences, The University of Lahore, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Akif Rashid Ph. D. Scholar (International Relations), School of Integrated Social Sciences, The University of Lahore, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan




Causes, FATA, Grievances, Poverty, Repression, Terrorism, Weak Governance


The objective of this study is to make a critical analysis of the causes and factors directly or indirectly involved in terrorism in the case of Pakistan as well as underlying and indirect sources contributed in this regard. Pakistan is a severe victim of terrorism, particularly after 9/11, bearing the substantial loss of human life, economy and infrastructure. Qualitative content analysis will be employed to study the current state of the subject. Some of the causes are Poverty, illiteracy, grievances, inequality, legal framework, human rights violations, state repression, etc. This study concludes that in keeping view of the nature and scope of terrorism and its complexity, difficult to determine the exact cause and factor of terrorism in Pakistan because no single cause has a direct linkage with terrorism. The study recommends that the state has to make effective legislation, and law enforcement, address grievances, poverty, illiteracy issues, stop human rights violations, religious intolerance, etc.





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How to Cite

Elahi Bilal, F., Abbas, R., & Akif Rashid, M. (2022). Terrorism in Pakistan: A Critical Analysis. Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review, 6(2), 1003–1013. https://doi.org/10.47205/plhr.2022(6-II)85