Educators Perception about Leadership Competencies: A Comparison of Public and Private Universities of Pakistan


  • Farzana Jabeen Khoso Ph. D Scholar, Department of Educational Leadership and Management, SZABIST, Karachi Campus, Sindh, Pakistan
  • Dr. S Khurum Khan Alwi Associate Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Management, SZABIST, Karachi Campus, Sindh, Pakistan



Educator, Leadership Competencies, Perceptions, University


The present study is an attempt to understand the perceptions of educators about leadership competencies at university level and to draw comparison among perception of educators about leadership competencies in public and private universities. The study was quantitative in nature. Within quantitative paradigm, a survey method was used. The respondents of the survey included educators working in selected universities of Sindh. Based on three constructs ‘Accountability of Academic Leader’, ‘Management and Supervision of Academic Leader’ and ‘Academic Leaders Facilitation and Negotiation’, a survey questionnaire has been designed to find out the perceptions of educator. The responses of educators indicate that the leadership competencies of university academic leaders are not according to expectations of educators. The academic leaders unable to meet the expectations of educators about departmental matters and in resolving their issues and concerns. The academic leaders lacking interpersonal skills to delegate powers to faculty. No significant difference was found in the mean score of public and private university educators’ perceptions. The study recommends to orientate university leadership about developing, implementing, monitoring, evaluating, and sustaining strategic plans of the universities.





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How to Cite

Jabeen Khoso, F., & Khan Alwi, S. K. (2022). Educators Perception about Leadership Competencies: A Comparison of Public and Private Universities of Pakistan. Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review, 6(1), 66–73.