William Alexander’s Monarchicke Tragedies: A Tool of Advice


  • Dr. Abdul Ghaffar Bhatti Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Education, Lahore, Multan Campus, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Lubna Yasir Lecturer, Department of English, University of Education, Lahore, Multan Campus, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Dr. Muhammad Arslan Raheem Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Education, Lahore, D. G. Khan Campus, Punjab, Pakistan




Advice Literature, Monarchick Tragedies, Senecan Tradition, Socio-Historical Conditions


The paper explores how literature and especially the drama can be used as a tool of advice. Apparently, William Alexander’s Monarchicke Tragedies are based on the stories of ancient historical figures but actually, the plays serve as oblique commentaries on the contemporary socio-historical and political conditions of the period. Through these plays, the playwright has advised the then rulers to learn a lesson from the tragic stories of the ancient historical figures like Croesus, Darius, Julius Caesar and Alexander the great and rule their states prudently and judiciously. The paper is a unique study in the sense as it analyses and evaluates the playwright’s personal events and circumstances that shaped and constructed his personality and in return helped him create the plays. Written in the Senecan tradition, the plays serve as instructional material for the princes and kings how to focus on significant internal and external state issues while expanding the territory at the same time.





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How to Cite

Ghaffar Bhatti, A., Yasir, L., & Arslan Raheem, M. (2022). William Alexander’s Monarchicke Tragedies: A Tool of Advice. Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review, 6(2), 01–10. https://doi.org/10.47205/plhr.2022(6-II)01