Impact of Inflation and FDI on Economic Growth: A Time Series: Analysis of Pakistan


  • Mehak M. Phil Scholar, Department of Economics, University of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Muhmmad Waqas Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, university of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan



CPI, FDI, Johnson Cointegration Test, Pakistan


The objective of this research paper is to check the impact of inflation, exchange rate and FDI and economic development researcher used time series data from 1973 to 2020 for my project, which researcher gathered from the sources World development indicator and State Bank of Pakistan. For inflation researcher used the proxy of Consumer Price Index (CPI), and other variables remain the same. The study paper's goal is to provide answers to the following questions: What percentage of inflation is beneficial to an economy? The three factors in the study paper's subject have a favorable long-term association with the findings. This indicates that when inflation is below the 2.80 percent barrier, which is the point at which it hinders growth, the Pakistani economy expands at its fastest rate. The marginal effect of FDI on growth is found to be positive when inflation is below the threshold, but it is found to be negative when inflation is over the threshold. In conclusion, the Pakistani government must harness, develop, and stabilize the nation's macroeconomic system while ensuring that inflation stays below the threshold in order to prevent alienating foreign investors.





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How to Cite

Mehak, & Waqas, M. (2023). Impact of Inflation and FDI on Economic Growth: A Time Series: Analysis of Pakistan. Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review, 7(1), 133–145.