Existential Elements in the Character of the Underground Man


  • Salman Nasir PhD Scholar, Department of English, Kohat University of Science & Technology (KUST) Kohat, KP, Pakistan
  • Nasim Gul PhD Scholar, Department of English, Kohat University of Science & Technology (KUST) Kohat, KP, Pakistan
  • Aziz Ullah MA, Department of English, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, KP, Pakistan




Absurdity, Alienation, Existentialism, Freedom


The study titled "Existential Elements in the Character of The Underground Man," examines the particular existential elements portrayed by Fyodor Dostoevsky in his work “Notes From Underground”, such as absurdity, alienation, freedom, anxiety, or misery etc. In other words, this article investigates the “Notes From Underground” from an existential standpoint. Under the umbrella of the Qualitative method, the study in hand employed textual analysis of selected excerpts from Notes From Underground. The lenses of existential ideas such as freedom, absurdity, alienation, and anguish are utilized to extend and expend the study topic and objectives. This research critically explores various reasons for the protagonist, for instance, the Underground Man's isolation, absurdity, anxiety, alienation, and freedom amongst others, as well as how these existential features contribute to his sufferings in the novel.





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How to Cite

Nasir, S., Gul, N., & Ullah, A. (2023). Existential Elements in the Character of the Underground Man. Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review, 7(2), 185–195. https://doi.org/10.47205/plhr.2023(7-II)16