Development and Validation of Academic Moral Authority Scale for Secondary School Heads (AcMAS-SSH)


  • Muhammad Mohsan Ishaque Ph. D Scholar, Department of Education, University of Gujrat, Gujrat, Pakistan
  • Sher Zaman Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Gujrat, Gujrat, Pakistan



Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Measurement Scale, Moral Authority, Reliability, Secondary School Heads, Validity


The current study focused on the development and validation of Academic Moral Authority Scale for Secondary School Heads (AcMAS-SSH) because standardized scale for this is less focused in academia. The AcMAS-SSH was developed under the umbrella of significant factors of moral authority i.e., Trust, Honesty, Patience, and Commitment, determined through focus group discussion. First draft of AcMAS-SSH consisted of 24 items on six points Likert scale was reviewed from nine experts for content validity. Seven items with weak Content Validity Ratio (CVR) were excluded from the first draft. Second draft consisted of 17 items was administered to 454 randomly selected teachers from secondary schools. Collected data were used to evaluate the internal factor structure of scale by employing Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Four items with regression weight less than .05 were excluded to ensure the construct validity of AcMAS-SSH. Total twelve items were retained in the final draft. Best model fit of the Final draft of AcMAS-SSH exhibited a valid scale. Finally, Cronbach Alpha reliability results were found (0.90) which ensured the AcMAS-SSH as reliable scale. Both Validity and Reliability results posited that it is a valid and reliable scale to evaluate the Academic Moral Authority of Secondary School Heads.





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How to Cite

Mohsan Ishaque, M. ., & Zaman, S. . (2022). Development and Validation of Academic Moral Authority Scale for Secondary School Heads (AcMAS-SSH). Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review, 6(2), 522–535.