A Critical Discourse Analysis of Selected Idea Pictures from Pinterest


  • Amjad Islam Lecturer, Department of English, Government Graduate College, Sahiwal, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Usman BS Scholar, Department of English, University of Sahiwal, Sahiwal, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Sohail Sarwar BS Scholar, Department of English, University of Sahiwal, Sahiwal, Punjab, Pakistan




Critical Discourse Analysis, Language, Norman Fairclough’s 3d Model, Social Media, Idea Picture


The core objective of the present research paper was to analyze the influence of social media posts on people and how they perceive it. Idea pictures were the posts that we encounter every moment while using social media applications. These posts might contain text, images, drawings, etc.; often, could have a mixture of all these. For the research purpose, five pictures were downloaded from a social media application named “Pinterest ”. In these selected pictures, different social issues were discussed, and the influence of these pictures was examined in depth under the light of Norman Fairclough's 3D model of critical discourse analysis (CDA). The term "idea picture" was used by the researchers because these posts had ideas or thoughts about many things and the results showed that these posts had such text and image depiction that could influence the thoughts of people who use social media. This research paper based on mainly three questions and along the pictures depiction, the language usage in posts was also analyzed in this study. This research will contribute to the domain of social media discourse and its analysis.





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How to Cite

Islam, A., Usman, M., & Sarwar, M. S. (2023). A Critical Discourse Analysis of Selected Idea Pictures from Pinterest. Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review, 7(3), 963–974. https://doi.org/10.47205/plhr.2023(7-III)83