Language Anxiety in Higher Education: A Study of Pakistani Bilinguals' Experience in English Classroom Presentations
Bilingualism, Classroom, Colonial Mindset, English Presentations, English Speaking, Language AnxietyAbstract
This study investigates the prevalent issue of language anxiety experienced by students during university presentations, with emphasis on the anxiety of English language skills among students pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in English. The study seeks to highlight the frequency of language anxiety, examining its levels, gender-related influences, the factors and effects caused by language anxiety. A mixed method technique is opted to conduct the research. The level of language anxiety and gender influence is calculated through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 27.0.1. Whereas the factors and effects are determined through interviews and field notes. The research concluded that a moderate level of language anxiety in English exists in which males show higher level of anxiety than the females. The factors found out to be language proficiency, lack of practice, preparation, fear of making mistakes, fear of not performing well, lack of confidence and comparison with other students. Whereas effects include lack of confidence to present, avoiding presentations and lack of motivation to learn second language to be fluent in it. Teachers and students should work together to diminish this problem by overcoming factors like Stop comparing students with each other. Introduce grading system and not the percentile. Students should practice standing in front of the mirrors to boost the level of confidence.
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