Fiction and Narrative Theory: A Study on Literature


  • Ume Hani Sindhu Isani Lecturer, Department of Sindhi , Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Shaheed Benazir Sindh Pakistan



Fiction, Fictional Content, Fictional Entities, Narrative Theory


The paper explores the relationship between narrative theory and fiction in literary history. Narrative theory can provide valuable insights into the construction of fictional worlds by analyzing how different narrative techniques shape readers' understanding and engagement with the text. By examining how narrative theory has evolved over time and its impact on the development of fictional storytelling, this paper aims to highlight the significance of narrative techniques in shaping literary works. Additionally, it seeks to demonstrate how an understanding of narrative theory can enhance readers' appreciation and interpretation of fiction. The content analysis approach was used to investigate themes in narrative theory and fiction. It utilizes data to find themes, patterns, and relationships in a text. The findings of this study may assist us in better comprehending identity-specific narratological categories within classical narratology, perhaps leading to the development of a narratology for fictional narratives. The issue centers on whether a narratology should be formed for stories of fiction or for all forms of narratives across various media.





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How to Cite

Isani, U. H. S. (2023). Fiction and Narrative Theory: A Study on Literature. Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review, 7(1), 608–616.