Exploration of Cultural Otherness and Generational Gap in Wajahat Ali’s Tom Jones and Biryani Surprise through Acculturation Theory


  • Remsha Ali Muhammad M.Phil Research Scholar, Department of English, Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities, Hamdard University, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
  • Suhail Ahmed Solangi Senior Lecturer, Department English Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hamdard University, Main Campus, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
  • Mahnoor Aslam Scholar, Institute of English Language and literature, Shindh University, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan




Culture, Generational Gap, Immigrants, Otherness


This study aims to explore how generational differences in Wajahat Ali’s Tom Jones and Biryani Surprise reflect varying acculturation strategies, focusing on the tension between cultural preservation and adaptation within immigrant families. Wajahat Ali, a prominent Pakistani English writer, often addresses themes of cultural identity and generational conflict in immigrant communities. This paper applies John W. Berry’s acculturation framework (1997) to examine the interplay between native and host cultures, analyzing how characters from different generations navigate cultural otherness and belonging. The research employs a textual analysis of Tom Jones and Biryani Surprise, using Berry’s acculturation model to investigate generational gaps in attitudes toward assimilation, adaptation, and separation. Key elements such as music, food, actions, and values serve as markers of cultural identity and divergence. The analysis reveals that younger generations adopt diverse acculturative strategies, while older generations strive to preserve heritage. This cultural tension fosters feelings of otherness and highlights the struggle to maintain cultural identity in a multicultural setting.Future studies should explore similar themes in contemporary diasporic literature to further understand evolving patterns of cultural negotiation.





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How to Cite

Muhammad, R. A., Solangi, S. A., & Aslam, M. (2024). Exploration of Cultural Otherness and Generational Gap in Wajahat Ali’s Tom Jones and Biryani Surprise through Acculturation Theory. Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review, 8(4), 559–566. https://doi.org/10.47205/plhr.2024(8-IV)50