Reading Strategies of Male and Female Pakistani ESL Undergraduates in the Context of Reading Indigenized Academic Texts


  • Sadaf Masroor Alam Shah Ph. D Scholar, Department of English Linguistics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Dr. Tahira Asgher Assistant Professor, Department of English Linguistics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan



Indigenized Texts, Metacognition, Reading Strategies


This study explores differences between 110 male and female Pakistani ESL undergraduates of a southern Punjab university as regard to their MCAP of reading strategies in the context of reading indigenized academic texts in English. MARSI was employed as the main instrument for data collection in this study. Collected data were analyzed through SPSS version 22. T-tests were conducted. Findings reveal that male and female ESL Learners gave mixed responses as far as their MCAP of individual reading strategies related to each subscale was concerned. However, females as compared to the males showed better response in collective strategy use for each of the three subscales of MARSI as well as for overall reading strategies (ORS). In the end, some recommendations were made by the researcher for future research in relation to the domain of metacognitive awareness of reading strategies for ESL Learners.





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How to Cite

Alam Shah, S. M., & Asgher, T. (2022). Reading Strategies of Male and Female Pakistani ESL Undergraduates in the Context of Reading Indigenized Academic Texts. Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review, 6(3), 209–219.