Lethal Hegemony over Subaltern Tribes: Textual Analysis of Jamil Ahmad’s The Wandering Falcon


  • Maryam Kamal Research Scholar LCWU Jhang, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Ammara Mehmood Visiting Lecturer, English Department, University of Jhang, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Dr. Ayesha Ashraf Assistant Professor , English Department, University of Jhang, Punjab, Pakistan




FATA, Hegemony, Local Elites, Subaltern, Unjust Judiciary


The present study aspires to explore the downtrodden condition of subaltern people in the novel The Wandering Falcon by Jamil Ahmad which was published in 2011. This paper aims to manifest the hostility of hegemony over the tribes alongside the Pakistan-Afghan border. The objective of the study is to elucidate the manipulative and hegemonic actions of the government over Federally Administered Tribal Areas. Textual analysis of the novel explicates the sovereignty of local elites perverting the lawful proceedings in tribes. It further divulges the lethal atrocities being committed on subordinate groups effectuated by unjust verdicts. A qualitative research paradigm has been used for the study which is descriptive in nature. The present study is theoretically framed on Antonio Gramsci’s postulates on hegemony. Robert Young’s tenets on subaltern studies also support the present study.





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How to Cite

Kamal, M., Mehmood, A., & Ashraf, A. (2022). Lethal Hegemony over Subaltern Tribes: Textual Analysis of Jamil Ahmad’s The Wandering Falcon. Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review, 6(4), 631–640. https://doi.org/10.47205/plhr.2022(6-IV)57