A Psychoanalytic Approach: Psychopath and Psychosis Phenomena Reflected in the Novella the Fox (1923) by D.H. Lawrence


  • Muahmmad Hadi Research Scholar, Department of Languages and Cultural Studies University of Baltistan, Skardu, GB, Pakistan
  • Dr. Muhammad Issa Assistant Professor, Department of Languages and Cultural Studies, University of Baltistan, Skardu, GB, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Naseem Lecturer, Department of Languages and Cultural Studies, University of Baltistan, Skardu, GB, Pakistan




Delusions, Ego, Hallucinations, Personality, Psychopath, Psychosis, Superego


This study aims to analyze the psychopath and psychosis phenomena reflected by D. H. Lawrence in the novella The Fox (1923), from a psychoanalytic perspective. In this research, the fundamental problems are how Henry Grenfel depicts his psychopathy and manipulates without guilt and sympathy for his desires. And how Nellie March depicts her psychotic behaviors by perceiving hallucinations and delusions. This research uses qualitative method which uses data in text. To analyze the data, the researcher uses descriptive analysis. The findings of this research suggests that Henry Grenfel, the main character, is a psychopath who is a very manipulative person, has no guilt and empathy and has intense desires. D. H. Lawrence writes the Novella to show that poor parenting in early childhood and environmental disturbance can make anyone a psychopath because every human is a born psychopath. Through March, the female protagonist, Lawrence shows a process of being psychotic. This novella also shows that while struggling in life, rumination can cause a psychotic disorder and perceives hallucinations and delusions that may horrify the person; however, with time it can be healed by self-esteem and environmental stability.





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How to Cite

Hadi, M., Issa, M., & Naseem, M. (2023). A Psychoanalytic Approach: Psychopath and Psychosis Phenomena Reflected in the Novella the Fox (1923) by D.H. Lawrence. Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review, 7(4), 12–25. https://doi.org/10.47205/plhr.2023(7-IV)02